Yellowstone supervolcano could be ‘gearing up to explode’ | Science | News

Modern humans have never witnessed a supervolcano eruption — if they had, there’s a good chance they wouldn’t be here today.

That is because such an eruption would likely change the direction of the planet and send it on a completely different path altogether.

Supervolcanoes are different from regular volcanoes in that they have an eruption of magnitude eight on the Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI), meaning that at one point in time, they erupted more than 1,000 cubic kilometres (240 cubic miles) of material.

The most recent major eruption came on August 27, 1883, in Indonesia, when Krakatoa island nearly collapsed in on itself and triggered an immense tsunami.

Yet Krakatoa is a regular earthquake and unlike its ‘super’ cousins such as the Yellowstone caldera in the US, a supervolcano that scientists have warned about for decades.

Volcanic activity first began at Yellowstone National Park region some two million years ago. It was back then that molten rock — magma — rose from deep within the Earth and produced three cataclysmic eruptions more powerful than any in the world’s recorded history.

Luckily, Yellowstone hasn’t had anything like that eruption since, though its potential volcanic activity was explored during What If’s short documentary, ‘What If the Yellowstone Volcano Erupted Tomorrow?’

Here, the narrator noted: “Right now, in the US, one of the world’s largest volcanoes is gearing up to explode. If Yellowstone decided to erupt, the results would be devastating.

“It has erupted three times in the past three million years which has led some people to wonder whether we should be worried about another eruption in the near future. But if the eruption took place tomorrow and you lived in North America, there would be virtually nothing you could do to prepare.”

The near future in geological terms can mean hundreds of thousands of years away, but the documentary looked at the hypothetical situation in which Yellowstone oozed lava.

Much of Yellowstone’s magma wouldn’t turn into lava because the intensity of an eruption would force most of it to shoot into the sky.

While good news for those in its close vicinity, it doesn’t take away the risks and dangers associated with a different kind of volcanic eruption.

It would in fact cause more damage, sending plumes of ash across the US and Canada, and as far away as Europe.

Tens of millions of people within a 1,000km (621-mile) radius would die, as once breathed in, the ash would form a cement-like mixture in the lungs and cause suffocation.

Meanwhile, outside, buildings would collapse — just 30 cm (12 inches) of ash is enough to cave-in roofs.

Ash would still pose a danger to life outside the 1,000km range, where at least a centimetre of the toxic stuff would have settled.

The world would experience vast changes in temperature due to the constant cloud cover, dropping by around 10C and lasting as long as 10 years, causing something known as a volcanic winter

Crops would be destroyed by the ash, as well as water supplies and most of the other vital natural supplies humans rely on.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) report that Yellowstone is behaving as it has done for the past 140 years.

“Odds are very high that Yellowstone will be eruption-free for the coming centuries,” it has previously said.

The region last suffered a major eruption around 630,000 years ago, before this, events happened 1.3 million and 2.1 million years ago.

This eruption was, it is thought, some 1,000 times bigger than the eruption that occurred at Mount St Helen’s in 1980 which caused $1billion (£783,000) in damage.

According to Dr Robert B Smith, an expert on supervolcanoes talking to Sky History, if Yellowstone were to blow today, “devastation would be complete and incomprehensible”.

Professor Christopher Kilburn, a volcanologist at University College London (UCL), previously told it was a “myth” that the world’s supervolcanoes were being watched by the appropriate authorities.

On Yellowstone, he warned: “Imagine central parts of the US being knocked out of action, the wheat belt, all the agricultural producing areas would just be wiped out.

“It’s a huge task to think about, and what would the survivors do? Presumably, there would be huge migration to safer areas. Would those countries be able to accommodate those millions of people?”

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