Vladimir Putin’s puppet makes chilling WW3 threat: ‘Europe will not survive’ | World | News

A Russian propagandist and close Vladimir Putin ally has warned Europe that it will soon cease to exist in a chilling WW3 threat.

Vladimir Solovyov launched a rabid diatribe in which he questioned whether Europe would continue to exist in its current form following “colossal” geopolitical changes.

Speaking on his state-run TV show The Evening with Vladimir Solovyov, he said: “I think we have entered an era of colossal geopolitical changes.

“All sorts of accidental formations incapable of their own statehood may not survive this era.”

In a clip translated by the Russian Media Monitor, Solovyov continued: “By that, I mean the Baltic states and all of Europe. I don’t think that the European borders in their current configuration will continue to exist much longer. I don’t see any reason why they would.”

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Solovyov also questioned the existence of Ukraine and claimed: “A nation whose ideology presents a threat to us cannot exist next to us.”

It isn’t the first time the Kremlin mouthpiece has issued a threat to NATO and the West. Recently, he spoke about Portugal becoming part of the “Russian Empire” as well as Moscow taking Hawaii and California.

In addition, Solovyov often totes Russia‘s nuclear arsenal and threatens the West with annihilation.

Previously, he said: “NATO guys, are you really cretins? Do you honestly think that we, with all our gigantic stockpile of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons, will [we] listen to [those opposing nuclear war], who always say, ‘No, stop it’? We won’t even ask them.”

Russia has about 6,000 nuclear weapons while the US – especially when combined with France and Britain’s arsenals – is not far behind.

Tensions between NATO and Russia have risen to levels not seen since the Cold War following the alliance’s support for Ukraine.

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