Published On: Mon, Apr 29th, 2024

Ursula von der Leyen to square off against rival candidates | World | News

Tonight, the political spotlight is on Maastricht as Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, faces off with seven other lead candidates in a European election debate.

The event marks the first time these candidates will debate on stage, providing a glimpse into their differing approaches to key European issues.

Von der Leyen’s rivals for the EU’s top post represent a broad political spectrum.

The list includes:

Walter Baier (Party of the European Left)

Bas Eickhout (European Green Party)

Valeriu Ghilețchi (European Christian Political Movement)

Maylis Roßberg (European Free Alliance)

Nicolas Schmit (Party of European Socialists)

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party)

Anders Vistisen (Identity and Democracy Party)

The debate, co-hosted by POLITICO and Studio Europa Maastricht, will focus on climate change, security, and democracy, themes crucial to the EU’s future.

Von der Leyen’s team aims to present her as a warmer, more personal leader, contrasting with her reputation as a no-nonsense crisis manager. Since 2019, she has overseen the EU through challenging times, including the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine.

Now, she is emphasising her role as a mother and grandmother who wants a safe Europe for future generations. Her campaign website features bright colours, a new logo, and the slogan “Ursula 2024”.

The approach represents a shift from von der Leyen’s austere image. Her spokesperson, Alexander Winterstein, explained that while many know her as the Commission President, fewer people understand her on a personal level. The campaign aims to change that by highlighting her background and personal story. However, the focus on her personality and family life might raise eyebrows, especially among her opponents, who view it as a calculated political move.

The Maastricht debate will offer von der Leyen a chance to engage with her opponents directly and to showcase her new image. The stakes are high, with Anders Vistisen from the far-right Identity and Democracy group likely to present a challenging stance.

Ultimately, the debate provides voters with an opportunity to gauge the candidates’ vision for Europe’s future.

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