The ‘forbidden’ European city once home to Nazi HQ now used by yobs as drinking spot | World | News

Lying in the forests of Germany, just a few dozen miles from Berlin, sit the decaying ruins of a military compound used by two of the most brutal and bloodthirsty regimes of the 20th century.

The abandoned complex, in the Wünsdorf neighbourhood of Zossen, sits behind a long and imposing wall – and remnants of its history are still visible.

A rusted statue of Lenin, the first leader of the Soviet Union, standing vigil over the derelict site – decades after the communist state he created collapsed.

Some areas have been turned into flats and the Zossen Book Town, but much of the site still lies vacant and abandoned – left only to intrepid tour guides and groups of teenagers looking for somewhere to drink.  

First established in 1910, the area was used by the forces of the Kaiser in the First World War, and hosted several prisoner of war camps.

The site would survive the conflict and would again achieve infamy during the Second World War when it became the underground headquarters of Nazi Germany’s Wehrmacht.

The Nazis built a number of bunkers on the site, including the Maybach I site, which was designed to look like housing in the area from above.

In the underground sections of the bunker was everything needed to survive including wells for drinking water and a ventilation system in case of gas attack, The Sun reports.

Maybach I and its sister bunker Maybach II were largely destroyed by the Soviet Union after the Red Army swept into Germany, however some buildings survived – and it was far from the end of the story for the site.

The Soviets turned the site into a major base for Russian forces in East Germany following the war and during the Cold War.

The site became known as “Little Moscow” or the “Forbidden City” and at one point there were daily trains to Moscow from the site, which accommodated up to 75,000 men, women and children from the USSR.

The Russians remained at the site well after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union itself –  with the base finally being completely abandoned in 1994.

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