Published On: Fri, Mar 15th, 2024

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un’s warning to enemies as he drives ‘world’s most powerful tank’ | World | News

North Korea’s rotund despot leader Kim Jong Un has been showing off his military credentials driving around in what the isolationist nation claims is the ‘world’s most powerful battle tank’.

With his round head poking up from a decidedly exposed-looking driving position, the excited Kim drove the piece of machinery around a test track in front of suitably adoring soldiers and officers.

After his stint behind the wheel of the armoured giant Kim disembarked to pose with comrades for a photograph alongside a flag emblazoned with a communist emblem.

Kim shunned his usual Chairman Mao-style trouser suit for a more informal look, wearing a leather jacket and tank operator leather helmet with ear defenders.

According to North Korea’s Central News Agency, the supreme leader of the country called it “the world’s most powerful tank” and told his troops to bolster their “fighting spirits” and complete “preparations for war”.

It’s not clear who the portly eratic 42-year-old dictator was asking his troops to prepare for war against.

But it’s the third time Kim has observed military exercises in his country since the start of an 11-day South Korean-US drill to the south, which he reportedly views as rehearsals for an invasion.

Before his antics in the tank, Kim attended two other drills recently which were dedicated to artillery firing and manoeuvring exercises.

The tank was first unveiled during a military parade in 2020, and its rolling during Wednesday’s drill indicates that it’s ready to be deployed, South Korean experts say.

Photos of the tank released by North Korea show it has a launch tube for missiles, a weapons systems the former Soviet Union already operated in the 1970s.

The new tank could pose a threat to South Korea, said Yang Uk, an analyst at Asan Institute for Policy Studies, but it remains to be seen whether it can be mass produced.

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