Published On: Thu, Sep 5th, 2024

‘Neighbour parks in front of my home so I’m getting revenge’ | Weird | News

A man has been praised for his ‘epic revenge’ against his neighbour, who makes leaving his house a daily challenge.

He shared how his “entitled neighbour” has six cars but only parks one in his driveway, while the others line the road in front of his house.

On Reddit, he explained: “He only parks his daily driver on the driveway, which he washes and polishes every weekend, and the rest are in front of other people’s houses. My lawn parallels his driveway and of course, I have sprinklers along the edge of my lawn.”

While he appreciates his neighbour has the right to park his cars on the road, he believes it’s inconsiderate nonetheless.

He added: “Recently I had wondered why my lawn is not doing well and noticed that he had run over three of my sprinkler heads. I fixed them, grumbled about it but moved on.

“A week later, it was two heads were broken. This past weekend, I found two broken again and the pipe busted as well. I could see his tire tracks coming off his driveway and over my lawn.”

In an act of revenge, he decided to install a new sprinkler system but rather than set it to 180 degrees, he decided to put it on 360 degrees.

He said: “He may still run them over, but at least at 11pm every night, his passenger side will get blasted for seven minutes. We have extremely hard water – so the level of spots on his car will take lots of time to sort out.”

While most users couldn’t help but laugh at his revenge, others shared other ways to get back at the nuisance neighbour.

One user said: “I’d toss some birdseed on his car at night.” Another user added: “Put out large boulders on the property line.”

A third user said: “My dad had the same issue with his neighbor so he put one single metal stake into the corner of the patch where the neighbor swings onto the grass with his car. Just a few inches sticking up. Stopped the problem after the neighbor hit it just once. My dad is 80 and has zero f**** left to give.”

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