Labour council mocked after claiming it will cost £25k to fill pothole | Politics | News

A Labour council has been blasted for suggesting it will take £25,000 to fill each pothole in their area.

Vince Maple, the local Labour leader of Medway Council, wrote to roads minister Guy Opperman a fortnight ago saying that his council needs £50 million to fix just 2,000 potholes, and demanding that taxpayers help provide more funding than already given.

In a slapdown reply, Mr Opperman blasted Mr Maple for budgeting an absurd £25,000 per pothole, and demanding to know why the £12.5 million of funding already committed is not enough.

In a letter seen by the Express, Mr Opperman wrote: “I note that you suggest there are 2,000 potholes in Medway, and that it would take £50 million to bring the roads up to standard.

“I trust it is not costing you £25,000 to fill each pothole? Perhaps that is part of the challenge.

“I am also sorry to hear that the £12 million extra the government has committed to Medway as a result of scrapping phase 2 of HS2 is not welcome.

“I understand why you feel pressure to say that, give the Labour Party in Westminster has refused to commit to the funding, but most councils I speak to see it as making a genuine difference.”

He concluded: “Repairing the roads of Medway is your job, for which the government has provided over £10 million in the last three years”.

“You should live up to the promises you made in your election and deliver for your electorate. The Government will continue to provide support to all councils to improve the quality of roads across the country.”

Local Tory MP Kelly Tolhurst has now said the demand from her local council is “just the latest example of Labour’s profligate madness”.

“The people of Medway are having to foot the bill for Labour’s endless mismanagement through higher taxes, all whilst their leader tries to blame anyone but himself. The public should be in no doubt that when Labour run something, they run it into the ground.”

Tory Councillor Phil Filmer tabled a measure for debate at the council last night asking why the Labour group has reduced the budget for pothole repairs by £300,000 when £401,000 of government funding has already been delivered, and another £12.5 million committed for the coming years.

Medway’s Labour leadership also imposed a 5% increase in council tax recently, despite £15 million of Tory government funding.

Alongside the tax hike on working people, the council has had to make significant cuts including scrapping free swimming for under 16s and over 60s.

In a response on April 18, Mr Maple claimed that the roads minister’s response “poses more questions that it actually answers”.

“We would have imagined that the Minister for Roads would have would have understood that road conditions go far beyond just potholes”.

He also blamed the situation on inflation caused by Liz Truss.

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