Keir Starmer given reality check over Brexit deal by Boris Johnson’s chief negotiator | Politics | News

Sir Keir Starmer has been given a reality check over the Brexit deal by Lord Frost.

Boris Johnson’s former chief Brexit negotiator was responding to the Labour leader declaring he would seek a “much better” agreement with Brussels.

Sir Keir described the current pact as “far too thin” and said he would make Brexit “work”.

But Lord Frost pointed out the current trade deal is the “biggest and broadest such deal ever”.

Meanwhile, the Tory peer argued Brexit is working economically as he highlighted revised figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) which showed the UK’s economy had done better than previously thought.

Writing for The Telegraph, Lord Frost said: “Possibly Starmer is operating in the fantasy world in which the EU will make concessions purely because they are so pleased to see Labour back in charge in Westminster. In reality, no one on the EU side is pressing to change this deal.”

The ex-Brexit minister said that Labour would have to “offer fundamental change, a return to EU law and supervision”.

He went on: “Before long we will have the worst of both worlds: the EU setting many of our laws again, this time with no UK say at all.”

Lord Frost’s comments come as Sir Keir, a Remainer who campaigned for a second referendum, pledged to seek a closer trading relationship with the EU if his party wins the next general election.

Speaking to The Financial Times, the frontrunner to become the next prime minister said he would be pushing for a rewritten Brexit deal.

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement negotiated by the Tories under Mr Johnson is up for review in 2025.

Sir Keir told the Financial Times: “Almost everyone recognises the deal Johnson struck is not a good deal – it’s far too thin. As we go into 2025 we will attempt to get a much better deal for the UK.”

Sir Keir claimed he would not rejoin the customs union or single market.

He added: “I do think we can have a closer trading relationship as well. That’s subject to further discussion.

“We have to make it work. That’s not a question of going back in. But I refuse to accept that we can’t make it work. I think about those future generations when I say that.

“I say that as a dad. I’ve got a 15-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl. I’m not going to let them grow up in a world where all I’ve got to say to them about their future is, it’s going to be worse than it might otherwise have been.

“I’ve got an utter determination to make this work.”

Sir Keir will be holding talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris tomorrow, during which post-Brexit relations are expected to feature prominently.

He has been joined in France by shadow foreign secretary David Lammy and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves, also both Remainers.

It comes after Sir Keir spent the weekend at a leftie love-in in Montreal, Canada, with fellow centre-left leaders including the country’s prime minister Justin Trudeau.

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