Published On: Sun, May 26th, 2024

Europe’s most walkable city is like something straight out of a fairytale | World | News

New research has crowned Munich, Germany, as Europe’s most walkable city, adding to its fairytale charm and allure. A study conducted by Compare the Market Australia has revealed that nine out of the top 10 most walkable cities globally are in Europe, with Munich leading the pack.

For those who prefer to explore cities on foot rather than by car, European destinations are ideal. The research assessed walking distances, safety scores, public transport costs, and other factors to rank the best cities for car-free exploration.

The study examined 53 cities worldwide, assigning scores based on eight criteria, including the number of walking trails, city safety, average monthly rainfall, availability of car-free zones, and the proximity of healthcare and educational services within a 1-kilometre radius.

The result? Munich emerged at the top, celebrated for its pedestrian-friendly city centre, picturesque public buildings, and extensive parks.

Munich’s triumph was attributed to its appealing blend of accessibility and aesthetic beauty. The Bavarian capital is known for its efficient public transport, well-maintained paths, and abundant green spaces, making it an ideal city for walkers.

Closely following Munich in the rankings were Milan, Warsaw, and Helsinki.

Milan was highlighted for having 80 percent of its population living within a short walk of essential services, while Warsaw was noted for its walkable city centre and scenic routes.

Amsterdam, despite its reputation as a cycling haven, secured the 10th spot due to its navigable canal walkways and extensive bike trails.

Stephen Zeller, general manager of Money at Compare the Market, emphasised the importance of walkability and transport links when choosing a place to live or visit.

“Assessing a potential home or holiday destination involves looking at public transport links, the proximity of essential services, and safe walking routes,” Zeller said.

The study underscores Europe’s strong performance in promoting walkability, with the continent dominating 20 of the 53 top spots.

For travellers and residents alike, cities like Munich offer a magical experience, blending convenience with the enchantment of European urban landscapes.

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