Published On: Fri, Dec 15th, 2023

EU on the brink as ‘turbo-Europeans’ want to turn bloc into ‘oligarchic superstate’ | World | News

MEPs have condemned recent proposals to alter the ‘s founding agreements, the European treaties, that could turn the bloc into an “oligarchic superstate”.

The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), a group of Right-wing lawmakers within the bloc, spoke out against proposals backed by that passed Parliament in November.

Mr Verhofstadt championed the plans outlined last month, which backed “ending unanimity and creating a defence union”.

While it received majority backing in the EU Parliament following a vote in November, it was not considered at a European Council meeting earlier this week.

The ECR said it was “right” not to consider the proposals, with one MEP stating they were backed by the EU’s “turbo-European” factions and would turn the bloc into a “European superstate beyond democratic control”.

Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, a Polish PiS (Law and Justice) politician, speaking on behalf of the group, said it would undermine the national democracies of EU member states.

He said: “The council is right not to consider the proposal of the turbo-European majority in the European Parliament.

“The ideas are ill-timed and too far-reaching. They would force member states into a corset that would soon be torn apart.

“Contrary to the claims of making the EU more democratic, the proposals would undermine national democracies and national parliaments.”

He added: “The peoples of Europe would be faced with a radically centralised EU, de facto turning it into a centralised oligarchic European superstate beyond democratic control.”

The plans backed by Mr Verhofstadt passed the European Parliament on November 23 with the backing of a majority of MEPs, 305 votes in favour, 276 against and 29 abstentions.

The full proposals, while they would overhaul the founding treaties in action, express a political intention rather than any immediate policy change.

A document published by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) proposed changing the Council of Europe’s voting system to a simple majority, rather than the existing unanimous voting requirement.

They would also provide Parliament with more powers, including the power to demand an EU-wide referendum, full legislative rights, the ability to propose laws and to elect the presidency of the Commission on approval of the European Council.

Among other proposals, proponents also called for EU citizens to have a greater level of participation via an obligation to establish participation mechanisms.

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