Published On: Tue, Apr 2nd, 2024

Cheaping out on this tops list of interior design choices homeowners regret

British homeowners have shared some of the top interior design choices they regret, with buying cheap furniture that later broke being the biggest mistake. Other design blunders include using too many clashing colours or choosing a colour scheme that was too neutral, like all-white or all-beige.

Painting the ceiling, covering an entire room in bold wallpaper, and cramming the living room with oversized furniture were other decisions homeowners weren’t happy with. As a result, one in six (16%) choose the “safe” option when decorating their homes to avoid future regrets.

The same number lack confidence in making bolder choices, and 12% want to steer clear of any design disasters that might require more work to fix.

READ MORE: Interior trends to avoid in 2024 or risk your home looking ‘old-fashioned’

“To stop playing safe and be bolder, there are steps we can take to feel more confident in our decor decisions, and curate a space that works well for us.”

However, four out of 10 of those asked in a poll have serious plans when it comes to redoing their home, with 26% keen to add more colours, and 21% wanting to be creative with lights.

And over a fifth (22%) would pick a bright colour for their sofa if they were to make a bold design choice.

A large 75% of those asked believe it takes lots of confidence to make bold choices when sprucing up the inside of a home.

And only 16% of the people owning homes polled boldly said they love their interiors with 23% not sure, neither liking nor disliking their home style.

Three out of 10 (31%) don’t think their home reflect their personality but four out of 10 admit they’d relax more if it did.

A survey by reveals that 13% of people have chosen practicality over style in their homes, while 10% admit to not putting much effort into their home decor. However, a significant 37% confess they are envious of those with bold interior styles.

Kellie Wyles, head of upholstery at DFS, said: “Decorating your home is not just about furniture and colours it’s a canvas for your personality, a place to bring to life “your thing”. When it comes to following trends, your home should tell your story, not anyone else’s.”

She added: “Home decor is not a one-size-fits-all, so have confidence in your unique style mix patterns, experiment with textures, and watch your home transform into a true reflection of your taste.”

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