Boris Johnson cancels interview with Tucker Carlson after huge clash: ‘Tool for Kremlim’ | World | News

He added that Johnson was “a lot sleazier, a lot lower” than Putin.

A spokesperson for Johnson has denied Carlson’s version of events, saying he pulled out of the interview because of Navalny’s death.

Carlson told BlazeTV: “So I’m over in Moscow, I’m waiting to do this interview [with Putin], it gets out that we’re doing it, and I’m immediately denounced by this guy called Boris Johnson.

“And Boris Johnson calls me ‘a tool of the Kremlin’ or something … so I was annoyed, so I put in a request for an interview with [Johnson], because he’s constantly denouncing me as a tool of the Kremlin. He says no.

“I know a lot of people who know Boris Johnson. Finally, an adviser got back to me and said, ‘He will talk to you, but it’s going to cost you a million dollars.’

“He wants a million in US dollars, gold or bitcoin – this just happened yesterday or two days ago – then he will talk to you about Ukraine. He will explain his position on Ukraine.

“So he attacks me without explaining how I’m wrong, of course, or how he’s right – this is by the guy, by the way, who at the request of the US government stopped the peace deal in Ukraine a year and a half ago, and is for that reason responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

“He won’t explain any of that to me in an interview until I pay him $1 million. I said, ‘I just interviewed Vladimir Putin – I’m not defending Putin, but [he] didn’t ask me for a million dollars. So you’re telling me that Boris Johnson is a lot sleazier, a lot lower than Vladimir Putin.’”

In the interview with Carlson, Putin alleged that Johnson had scuppered a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.

The Russian President branded Johnson “arrogant”, adding: “The fact that they obey the demand or persuasion of Mr Johnson, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, seems ridiculous. Where is Mr Johnson now? And the war continues.”

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