Published On: Thu, Mar 14th, 2024

‘Dam is bursting’ as Brits demand assisted dying law change, says top campaigner | UK | News

The woman who has led the battle for greater end-of-life choice for 17 years says “the dam is bursting” as the British public overwhelmingly demands access to assisted dying.

Sarah Wootton has taken the campaign from the margins to the mainstream since becoming chief executive of Dignity in Dying in 2007.

She told the Daily Express that Dame Esther Rantzen’s decision to speak out following her stage four lung cancer diagnosis had helped tip the balance in the decades-long battle.

Sarah said: “The dam is bursting because of the power of people’s experiences. Those who want to keep a lid on this are not going to be successful because they’re trying to hold back a tide that is going to win.

“It’s very, very clear that people don’t want to die badly. They want to be able to choose how they die.”

READ MORE: Sir Keir Starmer promises assisted dying debate and vote in Express victory

Sarah Wootton speaking in parliament

Sarah Wootton has led Dignity in Dying for 17 years (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)

Sarah reflected on the long path to reform this week as a Daily Express petition calling for a parliamentary debate and vote on assisted dying soared past 155,000 signatures – the milestone set by a petition she started two years ago.

She previously worked at the Family Planning Association and the Equal Opportunities Commission before turning her attention to end-of-life issues.

Patient choice has been the “golden thread” running through her career. She explained: “It’s about people deciding how they live their lives, rather than others – politicians, doctors or priests – deciding for them.

“Within the balance of reasonable asks, you should be able to decide for yourself.” Dignity in Dying was was set up in December 1935 under the name of The Voluntary Euthanasia Legalisation Society.

Sarah also started a sister charity, Compassion in Dying, in 2009. It supports people to make informed choices about death and make their wishes known.

The issue of assisted dying had become increasingly urgent because today “people die very differently to how they did even just 10 years ago”, she said.

Dignity in Dying campaigners protesting

Sarah believes the campaign has finally reached a tipping point (Image: Dignity in Dying)

“Enhanced medical technology can extend life hugely, which is obviously an enormous benefit to us all. But the unintended consequence is that it also extends dying. People die much more slowly than they used to.”

Like many great historical campaigns, the battle for assisted dying reform has highlighted how the law is out of step with the will of the people.

Public backing for assisted dying has remained consistently high for decades, with around three quarters supportive of law change.

The Express joined the fight two years ago with our Give Us Our Last Rights campaign. Sarah paid tribute to all those who have bravely shared their experiences – including dozens whose stories have been told in the pages of this newspaper.

Among them was David Minns, the terminally ill cancer patient whose heartbreaking appeal launched our crusade.

Rebecca Wilcox at a Dignity in Dying event

Dame Esther’s daughter Rebecca has joined the campaign to legalise assisted dying (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)

Sarah said: “We owe them all a debt. They’re speaking up at often the worst point in their lives.

“They probably won’t get this choice themselves – Esther herself will know that. But they are really creating a legacy for others in future.”

From one lifelong campaigner to another, she added: “I think Esther has tipped it. A colleague in the US once said to me, ‘You need to be ready for a tipping point.’

“Esther has done that. There have been others – Prue Leith has done an enormous amount, and Diana Rigg.

“It’s typical of Esther Rantzen to turn her power to campaigning on issues that really matter to the British people.

“There is a movement of all these people standing behind her because they have this experience of loved ones, or they themselves, not being able to die how they want.”

Sarah admitted the campaign was dealt a “huge blow” when the last assisted dying bill was defeated in the House of Commons in 2015.

But she added: “Talking to MPs now, and candidates, I’m optimistic about the numbers that we would have to support.”

With a general election looming, Dignity in Dying is urging parties to commit in their manifestos to holding a full debate and vote on assisted dying early in the next Parliament.

“We are at a critical point and the next 18 months are absolutely vital in securing law change throughout the British Isles,” Sarah said.

“Even with the huge impact that Esther has made, we will have to be absolutely strong on this to bring it home.”

Speaking directly to Daily Express readers, she added: “Thank you. It has just been an unprecedented outpouring of support.

“Looking at what David Minns and his son Matt Ryan have done, it has just been phenomenal what they have achieved. The sky is the limit so we must carry on and increase the pressure.”

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