Published On: Wed, Oct 11th, 2023

Inside Israel’s plan to obliterate Hamas: 8,000 elite troops, 300 tanks and 600 warplanes | World | News

The state of Israel is drawing on its vast military arsenal to strike back against Hamas terrorists that committed sickening atrocities on innocent civilians over the weekend.

Since the start of the wave of terror, more than 1000 Israelis have been killed.

Benjamin Netanyahu has 173,000 soldiers at his disposal, 8,000 of which are elite fighters, as well as 600 warplanes and 300 rocket launchers.

As of yesterday, Israel’s military had destroyed 1,000 Hamas targets, killing 560 Palestinians.

Of the Israelis ambushed in Hamas’ surprise incursion, many were massacred at a music festival, while others were taken from their homes.

Facing down the threat posed by Hamas, Mr Netanyahu told his people in a televised address: “We are at war and we will win it.”

Following the vicious killings and kidnapping, Israel’s army said it had reclaimed its southern territories near Gaza and said it was in “full control of communities” that had been ravaged in the attacks.

Military spokesman Daniel Hagari told journalists on Monday: “We are now carrying out searches in all of the communities and clearing the area.”

Comparing the Hamas military to that of its neighbour makes for ominous reading for the barbaric group that controls the Gaza Strip.

According to The Times of Israel, in 2021 Hamas had 30,000 troops, around 140,000 less than those under the command of Benjamin Netanyahu.

However, Tobias Borck, a Middle East expert at the Royal United Services Institute, a London think tank, believes accurately assessing how large Hamas’ military is is difficult.

He said determining who constitutes a fighter is difficult in the context of Hamas.

Mr Borck told NBC News: “Is that counting people who have held a gun, or only those who have received a degree of training?

“Israel’s objective now is to destroy Hamas’ military capability. The problem with that statement is we don’t know what Hamas’ military capability is.”

Suggestions had been made that Iran had funded the islamist militants’ attack on Israel, however to date no substantial evidence of that has been presented.

IDF spokesman Mr Hagari said: “Iran is a major player but we can’t yet say if it was involved in the planning or training”.

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