Published On: Sun, Oct 1st, 2023

Family bashing a no-no with Harry ‘rebranding’ | Royal | News

Prince Harry has been advised to step back from discussing the Royal Family as he and wife Meghan Markle increase their ties to Hollywood.

Advisors at the power house agency which now represent Meghan Markle and the couple’s charity Archewell are said to be working on a “rebrand” for Harry.

A key part of WME’s strategy for the couple is “aligning Harry’s image and having them present a positive united force”, reveals a Hollywood source.

The agency is also said to be “finding a voice for Harry which is louder than simply complaining about his family”.

They believe the Duke and Duchess of Sussex could host “some of the biggest charity events ever seen in the USA”, but “Harry must not become most famous for attacking his father The King and brother William, but focus more on his positive thoughts”, says our insider.

Our source claims that “the first steps in this new journey” began with the Sussexes’ Invictus Games appearances, where they “showed they were campaigners for a great cause and could be actively seen in the thick of things getting hands on with an inspiring life changing event”.

The source also revealed: “Ari signed Meghan with a plan to turn her into a unique Hollywood force -you could call it Gwyneth Paltrow and Mother Theresa combined. The first part of that is sealing significant commercial deals, partnerships and ventures, which celebrate Meghan as a campaigner, modern day working mother and lifestyle influencer. Paltrow has achieved that and of course will generate tens of millions of dollars. But Meghan has the potential to make bigger waves in the world of philanthropy, charity and good causes. She has a voice and audience that can make a huge difference to causes and charities.

“Her influence and ability to make messages reach people has global potential.

“On the flip side Harry, while having achieved huge success in mental health awareness and military PTSD matters, does not have that image. At first the attitude was, ‘How do you solve a problem like Harry?’.”

“The agreement was that Harry has said his piece about his family through Apple, Oprah and Netflix and now it is time to stay quiet on that matter.

“Effectively it is a ‘shut up..please’ approach.

“The last thing any audience wants to do is see him as a human simply complaining about his life. He has done that and looking forward is the only way to build and ‘rebrand’ a little. The central aspect of that is standing shoulder to shoulder with Meghan for their charitable endeavours and the growth of Archewell. The Invictus Games were seen as a huge success because they showed the couple together, in love, united over a fantastic cause and being ‘real’ with people out in public. Those images and perception go a long way to helping Harry move forward,” said the source , who has worked in the industry alongside major A list talent on film, TV and business deals.

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